Class MimeAdaptiveFetchSchedule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Configurable, FetchSchedule

    public class MimeAdaptiveFetchSchedule
    extends AdaptiveFetchSchedule
    Extension of @see AdaptiveFetchSchedule that allows for more flexible configuration of DEC and INC factors for various MIME-types. This class can be typically used in cases where a recrawl consists of many different MIME-types. It's not very common for MIME-types other than text/html to change frequently. Using this class you can configure different factors per MIME-type so to prefer frequently changing MIME-types over others. For it to work this class relies on the Content-Type MetaData key being present in the CrawlDB. This can either be done when injecting new URL's or by adding "Content-Type" to the configuration setting to force MIME-types of newly discovered URL's to be added to the CrawlDB.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MimeAdaptiveFetchSchedule

        public MimeAdaptiveFetchSchedule()
    • Method Detail

      • setFetchSchedule

        public CrawlDatum setFetchSchedule​(Text url,
                                           CrawlDatum datum,
                                           long prevFetchTime,
                                           long prevModifiedTime,
                                           long fetchTime,
                                           long modifiedTime,
                                           int state)
        Description copied from class: AbstractFetchSchedule
        Sets the fetchInterval and fetchTime on a successfully fetched page. NOTE: this implementation resets the retry counter - extending classes should call super.setFetchSchedule() to preserve this behavior.
        Specified by:
        setFetchSchedule in interface FetchSchedule
        setFetchSchedule in class AdaptiveFetchSchedule
        url - url of the page
        datum - page description to be adjusted. NOTE: this instance, passed by reference, may be modified inside the method.
        prevFetchTime - previous value of fetch time, or 0 if not available.
        prevModifiedTime - previous value of modifiedTime, or 0 if not available.
        fetchTime - the latest time, when the page was recently re-fetched. Most FetchSchedule implementations should update the value in @see CrawlDatum to something greater than this value.
        modifiedTime - last time the content was modified. This information comes from the protocol implementations, or is set to < 0 if not available. Most FetchSchedule implementations should update the value in @see CrawlDatum to this value.
        state - if FetchSchedule.STATUS_MODIFIED, then the content is considered to be "changed" before the fetchTime, if FetchSchedule.STATUS_NOTMODIFIED then the content is known to be unchanged. This information may be obtained by comparing page signatures before and after fetching. If this is set to FetchSchedule.STATUS_UNKNOWN, then it is unknown whether the page was changed; implementations are free to follow a sensible default behavior.
        adjusted page information, including all original information. NOTE: this may be a different instance than @see CrawlDatum, but implementations should make sure that it contains at least all information from @see CrawlDatum}.