Class CommonCrawlDataDumper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Configurable, Tool

    public class CommonCrawlDataDumper
    extends NutchTool
    implements Tool

    The Common Crawl Data Dumper tool enables one to reverse generate the raw content from Nutch segment data directories into a common crawling data format, consumed by many applications. The data is then serialized as CBOR

    Text content will be stored in a structured document format. Below is a schema for storage of data and metadata related to a crawling request, with the response body truncated for readability. This document must be encoded using CBOR and should be compressed with gzip after encoding. The timestamped URL key for these records' keys follows the same layout as the media file directory structure, with underscores in place of directory separators.

    Thus, the timestamped url key for the record is provided below followed by an example record:

             "url": "http:\/\/\/22\/14560817",
             "timestamp": "1411623696000",
             "request": {
                 "method": "GET",
                 "client": {
                     "hostname": "crawler01.local",
                     "address": "74.347.129.200",
                     "software": "Apache Nutch v1.10",
                     "robots": "classic",
                     "contact": {
                         "name": "Nutch Admin",
                         "email": ""
                 "headers": {
                     "Accept": "text\/html,application\/xhtml+xml,application\/xml",
                     "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate,sdch",
                     "Accept-Language": "en-US,en",
                     "User-Agent": "Mozilla\/5.0",
                     "...": "..."
                 "body": null
             "response": {
                 "status": "200",
                 "server": {
                     "hostname": "",
                     "address": "",
                 "headers": {
                     "Content-Encoding": "gzip",
                     "Content-Type": "text\/html",
                     "Date": "Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:16:58 GMT",
                     "Expires": "Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:16:57 GMT",
                     "Server": "nginx",
                     "...": "..."
                 "body": "\r\n  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ... \r\n\r\n  \r\n    </body>\r\n    </html>\r\n  \r\n\r\n",
             "key": "com_somepage_33a3e36bbef59c2a5242c2ccee59239ab30d51f3_1411623696000",
             "imported": "1411623698000"

    Upon successful completion the tool displays a very convenient JSON snippet detailing the mimetype classifications and the counts of documents which fall into those classifications. An example is as follows:

     INFO: File Types:
       TOTAL Stats:    {
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonCrawlDataDumper

        public CommonCrawlDataDumper()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws Exception
        Main method for invoking this tool
        args - 1) output directory (which will be created if it does not already exist) to host the CBOR data and 2) a directory containing one or more segments from which we wish to generate CBOR data from. Optionally, 3) a list of mimetypes and the 4) the gzip option may be provided.
        Exception - if there is an error running this NutchTool
      • dump

        public void dump​(File outputDir,
                         File segmentRootDir,
                         File linkdb,
                         boolean gzip,
                         String[] mimeTypes,
                         boolean epochFilename,
                         String extension,
                         boolean warc)
                  throws Exception
        Dumps the reverse engineered CBOR content from the provided segment directories if a parent directory contains more than one segment, otherwise a single segment can be passed as an argument. If the boolean argument is provided then the CBOR is also zipped.
        outputDir - the directory you wish to dump the raw content to. This directory will be created.
        segmentRootDir - a directory containing one or more segments.
        linkdb - Path to linkdb.
        gzip - a boolean flag indicating whether the CBOR content should also be gzipped.
        mimeTypes - a string array of mimeTypes to filter on, everything else is excluded
        epochFilename - if true, output files will be names using the epoch time (in milliseconds).
        extension - a file extension to use with output documents.
        warc - if true write as warc format
        Exception - if any exception occurs.
      • reverseUrl

        public static String reverseUrl​(String urlString)
      • run

        public Map<String,​Object> run​(Map<String,​Object> args,
                                            String crawlId)
                                     throws Exception
        Used by the REST service
        Specified by:
        run in class NutchTool
        args - a Map of arguments to be run with the tool
        crawlId - a crawl identifier to associate with the tool invocation
        Map results object if tool executes successfully otherwise null
        Exception - if there is an error during the tool execution