Class PluginRepository

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PluginRepository
    extends Object
    implements URLStreamHandlerFactory

    The plugin repository is a registry of all plugins.

    At system boot up a repository is built by parsing the manifest files of all plugins. Plugins that require other plugins which do not exist are not registered. For each plugin a plugin descriptor instance will be created. The descriptor represents all meta information about a plugin. So a plugin instance will be created later when it is required, this allow lazy plugin loading.

    As protocol-plugins need to be registered with the JVM as well, this class also acts as an URLStreamHandlerFactory that registers with the JVM and supports all the new protocols as if they were native. Details of how the JVM creates URLs can be seen in the API documentation for the URL constructor.

    • Field Detail

      • LOG

        protected static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
    • Method Detail

      • getPluginDescriptors

        public PluginDescriptor[] getPluginDescriptors()
        Returns all registed plugin descriptors.
      • getPluginDescriptor

        public PluginDescriptor getPluginDescriptor​(String pPluginId)
        Returns the descriptor of one plugin identified by a plugin id.
        pPluginId - a pluginId for which the descriptor will be retrieved
      • getExtensionPoint

        public ExtensionPoint getExtensionPoint​(String pXpId)
        Returns a extension point identified by a extension point id.
        pXpId - an extension point id
        a extentsion point
      • getPluginInstance

        public Plugin getPluginInstance​(PluginDescriptor pDescriptor)
                                 throws PluginRuntimeException

        Returns an instance of a plugin. Plugin instances are cached. So a plugin exist only as one instance. This allow a central management of plugin's own resources.

        After creating the plugin instance the startUp() method is invoked. The plugin use a own classloader that is used as well by all instance of extensions of the same plugin. This class loader use all exported libraries from the dependent plugins and all plugin libraries.

        pDescriptor - a PluginDescriptor for which to retrieve a Plugin instance
        a Plugin instance
        PluginRuntimeException - if there is a fatal runtime plugin error
      • getOrderedPlugins

        public Object[] getOrderedPlugins​(Class<?> clazz,
                                          String xPointId,
                                          String orderProperty)
        Get ordered list of plugins. Filter and normalization plugins are applied in a configurable "pipeline" order, e.g., if one plugin depends on the output of another plugin. This method loads the plugins in the order defined by orderProperty. If orderProperty is empty or unset, all active plugins of the given interface and extension point are loaded.
        clazz - interface class implemented by required plugins
        xPointId - extension point id of required plugins
        orderProperty - property name defining plugin order
        array of plugin instances
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws Exception
        Loads all necessary dependencies for a selected plugin, and then runs one of the classes' main() method.
        args - plugin ID (needs to be activated in the configuration), and the class name. The rest of arguments is passed to the main method of the selected class.
        Exception - if there is an error running this Class
      • createURLStreamHandler

        public URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler​(String protocol)

        Invoked whenever a URL needs to be instantiated. Tries to find a suitable extension and allows it to provide a URLStreamHandler.

        This is done by several attempts:
        • Find a protocol plugin that implements the desired protocol. If found, instantiate it so eventually the plugin can install a URLStreamHandler through a static hook.
        • If the plugin specifies a URLStreamHandler in its plugin.xml manifest, return an instance of this URLStreamHandler. Example:
            <implementation id="" class="">
                <parameter name="protocolName" value="foo"/>
                <parameter name="urlStreamHandler" value=""/>
        • If all else fails, return null. This will fallback to the JVM's method of evaluating the system property java.protocol.handler.pkgs.
        Specified by:
        createURLStreamHandler in interface URLStreamHandlerFactory
        the URLStreamHandler found, or null.
        See Also:
        URL, NUTCH-2429